McElroy, Henry F.

Displaying 37 - 48 of 99

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today. The front page includes an article, continued on page 8, discussing the difficulty of accessing city records for citizens or reporters. Other featured articles include: “Snapshots” (p.

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today.

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today.

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today. The front page includes an article, continued on page 8, describing the inequality of property tax assessments throughout Jackson County and other costs of homeownership. Other featured articles include: “He Beats the Rap but You Take It” (p.

Photograph of Mary McElroy who was kidnapped in 1933 at 25 years old and held for ransom. The caption on the back of the image reads, "KC 539217, A SUICIDE, KANSAS CITY, MO:- A recent picture of Miss Mary McElroy, daughter of recently deceased City Manager H. F. McElroy, who ended her own life recently with a bullet from a.25 caliber gun.

Photograph of Henry F. McElroy, Jr. and Mary McElroy with their father Henry F. McElroy, Sr. (left to right). The photograph was taken at the home H. F. McElroy, Sr., immediately following Mary's release from abduction at the Milburn Golf Club. This vantage point faces north towards the south entrance to St.

Photograph of Ralph T. Harding, Lillie Knight, and Clarence Click (left to right) in the court room.

Photograph of Ralph T. Harding, Walter McGee, John V. Hill, and Joseph B. Keenan (left to right) at the trial of Walter McGee. The caption on the back of the image reads, "STATE ASKS DEATH PENALTY FOR KIDNAPER, Photo shows the courtroom of Judge Allen C. Southern at Kansas City, Mo.

Photograph of George McGee, Lillie Knight, and Ralph T. Harding (left to right) with R. H. Moore removed from the picture to the right.

Photograph of Mary McElroy who was kidnapped in 1933 at 25 years old and held for ransom. The caption on the back of the image reads, "IC217320... CHICAGO BUREAU, FORMER KIDNAP VICTIM RETURNS HOME, Mary McElroy, 26 year old daughter of Henry McElroy, City Manager of Kansas City, Mo. is shown above at the home of Mayor G.M.

Photograph of Henry F. McElroy and Mary McElroy alighting from a TWA airplane. The caption on the back of the image reads, "KC 217231... (Chicago Bureau), MARY McELROY RETURNS HOME. City Manager H. F.

Letter from Kansas City City Manager H. F. McElroy to Bruno Nicoli, Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 80. McElroy expresses his gratitude for the scouts' assistance in the promotion of pedestrian safety and donates ten dollars to the troop.
