Lazia, John F.

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Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today.

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today.

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today. The front page includes an article, continued on page 8, discussing the difficulty of accessing city records for citizens or reporters. Other featured articles include: “Snapshots” (p.

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today.

Kansas City Police Department record for "Johnny Mag" Mangiaracina, including charges of theft and larceny, numerous liquor violations, gambling, income tax evasion, and involvement in the murder of crime boss John Lazia. The record also includes prison sentences and fines for many of the listed crimes.

First issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today. The front page includes a statement on the newspaper's objective, maintaining that the newspaper is not against any certain political party or vice, but that it is simply for "good government".

Essay documenting the role Ralph E. Truman and Olive L. Truman played in the 1934 U.S. Senatorial campaign in Missouri. Olive details how her and her husband helped Jacob L. Milligan with his campaign before learning that Ralph's cousin Harry S. Truman would enter as well.

Photocopy of a letter from James M. Pendergast to his wife Kathleen Pendergast in Lexington, Virginia. James explains the circumstances of John Lazia's death and mentions being there with him as he died in the hospital. James then updates her on other personal details. The Harry S.

Photocopy of a letter from James M. Pendergast to his wife Kathleen Pendergast. James recounts the details of John Lazia's funeral which the local newspapers believe to be Kansas City's largest funeral gathering. He then updates Kathleen on his trip to Monroe County and on his upcoming trip with Harry S. Truman to Cameron, Missouri.

Letter from an unknown writer to James A. Reed discussing the potential appointment of Dr. Porter to city coroner or other potential placements should coroner not be possible.

Letter from Lester Seacat describes an enclosed chart of election-related activities in various districts in Kansas City.

Letter from A. Ross Hill to Ewing Young Mitchell, Jr. on July 10, 1934. Hill reports from Kansas City that Frederick Whitten is campaigning against Truman and that John Lazia was shot that previous night.
