
Displaying 133 - 144 of 428

Letter frm J. R. Davis to Missouri gubernatorial candidate Lloyd Stark, offering his assessment of attitudes toward the campaign in his part of Missouri.

Letter from Lloyd C. Stark's secretary to Manny Schupan acknowledging receipt of Schupan's letter and writing that Stark is out of town.

Letter from Jesse Barrett to Lowell R. Johnson inquiring about the possibility of filing a contest of Missouri election results in order to prompt a probe.

Letter from Teasdale in which he asks Lloyd Stark to visit his town of Farmington and assure some Democratic voters that he is not the pawn of Tom Pendergast.

Letter from Robert A. Glenn to Lloyd C. Stark writing about the view of the governors race from St. Louis and what issues may await him during the campaign.

Letter from Henry Bundschu to Republican gubernatorial candidate Jesse Barrett, describing his prospects for winning the election and the political outlooks in Kansas City and St. Louis in particular.

Letter from Lloyd C. Stark to Duke Shoop discussing other potential candidates for governor as well as campaign logistics.

Letter from Missouri candidate for Governor Lloyd Stark to F. X. Teasdale explaining his resistance to being aligned with any particular political faction.

Response letter from Governor Park to Nettie C. Alvey of Kansas City indicating that she should contact the authorities or provide evidence if she has knowledge of election fraud activities.

Letter from Hugh O'Connor to Guy B. park demanding an investigation into the August 4, 1936 primary election and the ouster of the election commissioners and election judges and clerks.

Letter from S. S. Ball to gubernatorial candidate Lloyd Stark, discussing and disparaging his opponent in the race, William Hirth.

Letter from F. X. Teasdale in which he asks Lloyd Stark for a position in his administration after the election, and emphasizes his need due to his disabled wife.
